Global Innovation and National Interests

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Working Group Participants

Members of the International Working Group have been invited to participate in the project on Global Innovation and National Interests as individuals, not as representatives of their institutions. Current institutional affiliations of members who have accepted the invitation are listed here solely for identification purposes.
The project on Global Innovation and National Interests is focused on developing and disseminating a set of policy and management recommendations for global R&D leadership in universities, companies, and governments. The contributions of the Working Group, coordinated by BRG Institute staff, are critical to this effort. Policy conclusions and recommendations published and disseminated by the project are, however, entirely the responsibility of named authors of the each publication. Members of the Working Group are not, individually or collectively, responsible for the content of the publications and outreach resulting from the project.

Participants as of March 2022

Albert (“Al”) P. Pisano 
UC San Diego 
Dean, Jacobs School of Engineering

Alex Mihailidis 
University of Toronto 
Associate Vice-President, International Partnerships

Bruce Guile 
BRG Institute 
Project Lead

Caroline Wagner 
The Ohio State University 
Associate Professor, Milton & Roslyn Wolf Chair in International Affairs

David Bogle 
University College London 
Professor of Chemical Engineering and Pro-Vice-Provost of the Doctoral School

David Cheney 
Technology Policy International
Managing Partner

David Delpy 
University College London
Emeritus Professor of Medical Photonics and Past Chair of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme Strategic Advisory Board

David Teece 
UC Berkeley and BRG Institute 
Thomas W. Tusher Professor in Global Business and Faculty Director, Center for the Management of Intellectual Capital

Ed Lazowska 
University of Washington 
Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Eion Lys
BRG Institute
Project Coordinator

George Blumenthal 
UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz 
Director, UC Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education; Chancellor Emeritus, UC Santa Cruz

Harry Broadman
Johns Hopkins University
Senior Fellow, International Economics

Joe Burns
Gatsby Charitable Foundation
Trustee; Former Private Secretary, UK Minister of Science and Innovation

Laura Tyson 
UC Berkeley 
Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School, and Faculty Director, Institute for Business & Social Impact, Haas School of Business

Lee Fleming 
UC Berkeley
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, College of Engineering, and Professor of Management of Organizations, Haas School of Business

Marjory Blumenthal
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Senior Fellow and Director of the Technology and International Affairs Program

Mike Gregory 
Cambridge University
Former Head of the Institute for Manufacturing 

Mike Nelson 
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 
Senior Fellow and Director of the Carnegie Endowment’s Technology and International Affairs Program

Minh-Hà Pham 
Embassy of France in the United Kingdom
Science and Technology Counsellor

Miwako Waga 
UC San Diego 
Director of International Outreach, Office of Research Affairs

Neil Alford 
Imperial College London 
Associate Provost, Academic Planning

Neil Fraser
Medtronic Canada ULC

Peter Hoffman
Elevated Advisors, LLC

Rebecca Keiser 
National Science Foundation 
Chief of Research Security Strategy and Policy and Head, Office of International Science and Engineering

Rod Carr
New Zealand Government
Chair, Climate Change Commission; Former Vice Chancellor, University of Canterbury

Stephen Johnson 
Stanford University
Lecturer in Management at the Stanford Graduate School of Business

Steve Koonin 
New York University 
University Professor and Founding Director, Center for Urban Science and Progress

Steve McLaughlin 
Georgia Institute of Technology 
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Tadaaki Taniguchi
SVP, Head of Global Medical Affairs, Oncology Business Unit

Takahiro Ueyama
Government of Japan
Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office

Thomas Schuelke
Fraunhofer USA

Xue Lan 
Tsinghua University 
Cheung Kong Chair Distinguished Professor and Dean of Schwarzman College

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